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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.


Posted by on Jan 28, 2010 in Nutrition | 4 comments

Asparagus is a high in antioxidants, Vitamin K (decreases dark circles, increases bone mass among other things) and Folate. It helps with the prevention of hair loss, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), high blood pressure, fatigue, toothaches (who knew?), kidney stones, and even prevents some cancers(especially lung cancer). Asparagus is great for women in particular. It helps with menstrual cramps, nursing mothers for helping with milk production, and because it is high in Folate/Folic Acid, it can help prevent birth defects like Spina Bifida (incompletely formed spinal chord). Asparagus isn’t known for being the cheapest veggie out there, but if you ask me, it’s definitely worth the cost for all of the benefits it provides for your body. How to eat Asparagus? I recommend either baking or steaming this to get the most out of it’s nutrients. Feel free to follow...

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Got Extra Baggage?

Posted by on Jan 25, 2010 in Skinny Tips & Quotes | 4 comments

“Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip” -Arnold H. Glasgow Wow. Doesn’t this just make you want to work out, huh? Not that I like to think of my body as “baggage”, but this guy has got a point. Feel free to follow us, however you...

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Breakfast Sausage chicken & apple by Applegate Farms

Posted by on Jan 18, 2010 in Gluten Free, Twinkie's Favorites | Comments Off on Breakfast Sausage chicken & apple by Applegate Farms

“Yum!” That’s where I am going to start off about this little breakfast sausage. I like to eat healthy, or at least have the healthier alternative, but I also think food should taste great all at the same time. Possible? Yes. Sausage that isn’t bad for you? I usually try to stay away from anything that says “sausage”, usually because there is a higher fat content involved amongst who knows what else. I like the idea that this breakfast sausage is gluten-free, casein free, and there are no nitrates (natrual or added)! There are only a handful of ingredients in this product. That is a good thing, since that means it doesn’t have all of these artificial and harmful filler products included. The chicken that is used was never given any antibiotics or animal by-products. This is no ordinary breakfast...

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Why you should give Yoga a try

Posted by on Jan 11, 2010 in Fitness | 3 comments

There is a lot of hype about Yoga, and the health benefits of doing Yoga on a regular basis. I have been a bit reluctant to try it out for several reasons. First of all, I like to do cardio works outs that make me sweat (funny how I used to not like that part of exercising), and something where I feel like I am burning a ton of calories and making some progress in my weight loss or maintenance. I tend to do exercises like running, swimming, and the elliptical machine. After those work outs, my body just knows that it worked out. This again shows me that I am making some progress, and I feel good about what I have done. So now back to Yoga. When I think of Yoga, I have to admit, I thought...

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Twinkie’s Challenge: Say “No Way!” to Fried foods

Posted by on Jan 4, 2010 in Nutrition, Twinkie's Challenge, Weight Loss | 3 comments

If you can do one thing for your health..stop eating fried foods. What is considered  “Fried foods”? Anything cooked in a lot of grease or oil, at very high temperatures. Fried foods are things like french fries, most potato chips, onion rings, doughnuts, and in most cases, anything with the word “fried” in the title (though many products can be sneaky with their names!). Why try to give up Fried foods? Fried foods have little to no nutritional value, and if you have learned anything from my posts, your body needs good-for-you-fuel to survive and function properly. Those fried onion rings? Not helping you in any way. Fried foods are drenched in unhealthy oils-most commonly used are Canola, Vegetable, or Peanut oil-that are not good for your body. These oils become even more harmful for you when they are...

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