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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Walk, Jog, or Run?

Posted by on Jul 12, 2010 in Fitness, Weight Loss | 2 comments

Is walking better for you, or is jogging? What about running? Walk Walking is a lot easier on your body than jogging or running, and if you have been out of the gym for awhile, walking is an excellent place to start. Walking is also a great cardiovascular exercise, and should not be looked at as an inferior workout to either jogging or running. Try to keep a steady brisk walk, and this is a great way for you to burn calories and lose weight. Focus on walking correctly, get good comfortable shoes, breathe correctly, and work your way up to speed walking. If you have ever had a knee injury, you might want to stick to walking until you have fully recovered from your injury. Never feel like you have to go faster than what your body is ready...

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Health Benefits of Agave Nectar

Posted by on Feb 15, 2010 in Health, Nutrition | Comments Off on Health Benefits of Agave Nectar

Agave Nectar is a wonderful Sugar Replacement! Agave Nectar Blue Agave Nectar is the most common species of Agave plants. If you buy Agave Nectar, chances are they are from the Blue Agave plants. The two most common types of Agave nectar is either “Light”, “Amber”, or “Dark”. The Light Agave Nectar has less heating and a more thorough filtration process, which makes a more mild and neutral flavored product. The Dark Agave Nectar is filtered less, and what’s left in the syrup allows for it to have a stronger taste to it, comparable to maple syrup. The Darker the Agave Nectar, the less processed it is said to be. For me personally, I would rather have a product in its most raw and natural form. Health Benefits Agave Nectar has a low glycemic index. This allows for sweetness...

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Fitness joy for Twinkie

Posted by on Feb 8, 2010 in Twinkie | 2 comments

Believe it or not, I wasn’t always a fan of exercising…. When I thought of exercising I just thought of sweating, lifting weights, and trying to catch my breath. It has taken me years,  but I have come to love working out. I think the trick is just finding something that you love, and it becomes easy to stick with it. I started out with Dance. Dance worked for me because I love music, and it was just so much fun to move with the music. I could dance for hours on end, and I have before. If you are in an exercise routine that you absolutely hate, try to find an alternative that still gives you the same benefits. Again, if you actually enjoy what you are doing, you will make the time to make it happen, won’t...

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Why you should give Yoga a try

Posted by on Jan 11, 2010 in Fitness | 3 comments

There is a lot of hype about Yoga, and the health benefits of doing Yoga on a regular basis. I have been a bit reluctant to try it out for several reasons. First of all, I like to do cardio works outs that make me sweat (funny how I used to not like that part of exercising), and something where I feel like I am burning a ton of calories and making some progress in my weight loss or maintenance. I tend to do exercises like running, swimming, and the elliptical machine. After those work outs, my body just knows that it worked out. This again shows me that I am making some progress, and I feel good about what I have done. So now back to Yoga. When I think of Yoga, I have to admit, I thought...

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