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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

10 Ways To Shake Up Your Workout Routine

Even the most dedicated gym-goers can find their previously hyped-up workout has suddenly become ho-hum. Our bodies physically and mentally build up a tolerance to the activities we take on each day. This means that not only do you have to increase weights and resistance to continue challenging your muscles, but you also have to find new ways to keep yourself excited about working out. If you find yourself feeling less than enthusiastic about hitting the gym, try one of these 10 suggestions to shake up your old routine:

Gym hop

Gyms of all shapes and sizes are constantly running deals for a free trial week at their location. Take a week or two off from your old gym and take an exercise tour around town. Find different gyms in your area and enjoy a few days of new scenery. Scoping out a new place can introduce you to new trainers, new equipment and new classes which may jumpstart your exercise regimen, or make you appreciate your old digs.

Take a vacation

Finally put your vacation daydreaming to use and cash in on some personal days at work. Vacations that involve skiing, kayaking, hiking or rock climbing can be relaxing and exhilarating all at the same time. Even just a long weekend at a nearby campground can provide lots of opportunity for engaging exercise in a new setting.

Teach an old dog new tricks

Pick a sport that you’ve never tried before and join a league in your area. If you were an all-state lineman in high school, try taking up racquetball. If you set college records in the breaststroke, find a volleyball league. Chances are, if you haven’t played these sports before you haven’t used all of the muscle groups necessary for them. Being part of a team has the added benefit of social encouragement to continue coming out each week.

Pimp your ride

If you live relatively close to your gym, skip the drive and run or jog there. Instead of driving to the gym and getting on a treadmill, enjoy a run outdoors on your way to the gym where you can then enjoy an abbreviated workout. After a nice long warm-up, you’ll be prepped for some toning weightlifting or strength exercises. Walk back home while you cool down, or catch a ride back with a workout buddy.

If you can do, teach!

Instead of taking class after class of monotonous aerobics, design your own fitness class and offer it to friends or coworkers. Host a yoga workshop in your living room or book an empty office space for after-work zumba. Running the class puts you in control to keep things fun and challenging, and having a group of recruits hold you accountable to stay active.

Move to the music

Grab your partner and sign up for a dance class. Not only does a dance class get you some one-on-one time with your spouse, but high-intensity classes such as tango or flamenco can burn just as many calories as an hour spent on the treadmill. Pay up front for 4-8 weeks of classes to give yourself a financial motivation for sticking with it.

Play coach

Break down and volunteer to help coach your kid’s soccer or basketball team. The daily or weekly commitment will get you to lace on some sneakers and chase after rambunctious children for at least an hour at a time. Being surrounded by an overabundance of sugar-induced energy can’t help but inspire you to join in the drills and scrimmages.

Bag the gym

When you simply can’t bring yourself to going to the gym one more time, skip it altogether and build a workout into your daily routine. Park a few blocks away from your office, choose stairs instead of the elevator, swap your desk chair for a yoga ball, and load on up playtime with your kids to burn calories throughout the day.

Set a goal

Instead of just working out for the sake of working out, set a definite goal that you can work towards. Anything from running a marathon, completing a bike race, or even mastering a yoga pose can give you a long-term goal to aim for. Set weekly or monthly mini-goals that will track your progress and celebrate your successes along the way.

Get techy

Hit up a local yard sale or games store for Wii or Kinect workout games. Adding some virtual workout time to your regular routine can provide a bit of variation. Challenge friends or family to a game for some competition while you burn calories.

This guest post was written by Ashley from Long Island Heart Associates. For questions about heart health and exercise, contact a local cardiologist today.

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