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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

A Student’s Guide to Health and Fitness

Whether you are a full time college student or not, this infographic showing a student’s guide to health and fitness can help you get (or stay!) in shape.

This is a great health infographic – however – I need to put in my two cents about the Food Groups and Eating Tips section.

Group A: Whenever possible, try to buy organic whenever possible. As a student, you are probably on a budget (aren’t we all?!), so save money on organic produce by shopping at your local Farmer’s Market!

Group B: Carbohydrates are not the enemy. The type of carbs you eat and how much you eat – is usually the problem. Stick to whole grains (check the labels!) and eat within moderation. Most people just aren’t physically active enough to eat a ton of carbohydrates for every single meal.

Group C: I would suggest avoiding “low-fat” dairy products since they usually have a chemical storm of ingredients that you don’t want in your body. Buy raw milk and other healthy dairy choices – the less ingredients, the better! Always check the labels and do you research about what ingredients you are putting into your body!

Group D: When it comes to eating protein, be sure to think about variety! Eggs for breakfast? Then go ahead and have some chicken or salmon for lunch. Don’t have the same type of meat again and again. Also, limit the amount of pork or beef your consume. For those of you who are vegetarian or vegan, they are still plenty of ways for you to get enough protein in your diet. Check out the top sources of protein for vegetarians (or vegans).

Group E: Yes, fat is important for your overall health! Healthy fat allows for your body to absorb the nutrients from other foods you are eating. Find out which fat is healthy and consume in moderation.

Yes, you can eat healthy on a budget. It just takes a little planning!


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