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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Are you “Skinny Fat”?

Are you “Skinny Fat”? You heard me right!  There is a new term called “Skinny Fat”, and it refers to those who look skinny, have a healthy BMI, but have a higher amount of fat versus muscle, and are at risk for Obesity related illnesses. That’s right- just because you are “skinny” or look good on the outside, it doesn’t mean you are healthy on the inside.

So how many of us are considered “Skinny Fat”? 30 million Americans. How can we prevent ourselves from being “Skinny Fat”? It’s everything we already know, which is to Eat Healthy and Exercise on a regular basis.

Check out this great video from MSN Health:

“Skinny Fat” Video

Please let me know what you think about this new discovery of Skinny Fat!

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