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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Benefits of Getting Enough Sleep

Getting enough shut eye is more important than you may think.

Lack of Sleep?

Research has shown that those who are sleep deprived don’t live as long as those who get more rest on a regular basis. Not only that, but studies have also shown that when you are sleep deprived, you are at greater risk of hallucinations and even mental problems.

Sleeping Beauty

Ever heard of people saying that they need their Beauty sleep? If you are like many people who do not want dark circles on their eyes, you may want to rethink your sleeping schedule.

Health Benefits

Getting enough Zzz’s will help your body’s immune system, which is why when you were sick as a kid, your Mom always told you to take a nap and get plenty of rest. Your body needs sleep to recover, and even prevent sickness in the first place. Sometimes if  you are getting sick, it might just be that your body is telling you to slow down. When you get enough rest, it can help you with reducing stress (which I believe goes hand in hand with letting your body heal).

Weight Loss benefits

Want to lose weight? Make sure you are getting enough sleep! First of all, you won’t be eating during all the time you are sleeping (obviously). While you are sleeping, you have these hormones created that regulate your appetite. This is a good thing, and it affects how you will be eating the next day. What I mean by this is, with less sleep, you have less of these hormones created. With that, your body unfortunately craves things that are sugary, fatty, high in carbs and calories.

Be sure to get your sleep tonight (…and every night for that matter)!

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