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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Christina Aguilera’s Weight Loss Strategy

Christina Aguilera lost almost 50 pounds and she finally revealed to us how she did it.

Christina A Weight Loss

How Christina Aguilera Lost Weight 

Christina completely changed her eating habits in order to ditch the extra weight (at least 30 pounds). Instead of eating high calorie foods at her favorite restaurant, she now eats a much healthier and balanced diet.

Check out Christina Aguilera’s Typical Meal Plan:

Breakfast: Blueberries, half of an avocado, and turkey bacon.

Lunch: Chicken breast with a vegetable salad (no creamy salad dressings!)

Snack: Celery and Almond Butter or Shrimp Cocktail.

Dinner: Chicken or fish curry.

Splurges: Glass of Wine. Christina admitted that she is limiting her alcohol

Christina Aguilera Exercise Plan

Christina’s exercise plan is pretty simple: “Laughter, happiness, breathing, and I did some yoga”. Yoga seems to be a big part of how Christina lost weight, in addition to creating a more active lifestyle rather than focusing on just “exercise”. For example, Christina told Jay Leno on The Tonight Show that she likes to shoot Paintball guns to have fun and blow off steam. Fun way to burn some calories!

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