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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Eat To Meet Long Term Goals

eat for your long term goals

Food is fuel. You put the right food into your body more often than not, and your body will function properly – the way it was built to do. However, if you eat too much junk – to satisfy your cravings – you are much more likely to experience undesired results, such as obesity or more frequent illnesses.

“Eat to meet long term goals, not short term satisfaction.”

Someone once told me that eating cake would last a few minutes, but the extra fat on her body could last months – or longer. When you put it in perspective like that, the short term satisfaction just isn’t worth it. I am not willing to risk my overall health for just a few moments…are you?

Of course, we all crave something sweet now and again. I get it. My advice? If you are going to indulge, don’t go with the “go big or go home attitude”…meaning… don’t get the worst stuff out there. For example, instead of buying a Reese’s® Peanut Butter Cup, consider buying Justin’s® Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups. It may not exactly be “healthy”, but with high quality organic ingredients and dark chocolate, it’s definitely not the worst thing you can eat to satisfy your sweet tooth. Just remember that it’s still candy, and should be enjoyed in moderation.

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