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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Food Dyes: Are they Safe?

I have been watching the bloggers from 100 Days of Real Food and Food Babe fight for Kraft to remove food dyes from their products. I have signed the petition personally, and I encourage you to do the same!

But first, check out their recent interview with Dr. Oz to learn more about how food dyes affect your body:

Right now it is more about providing cheap food to the american people rather than REAL food that’s healthy and safe. Unfortunately, I don’t think that Kraft is going to change by a few hundred thousand people signing a petition. Kraft – and any other company out there! – will only change once it makes sense for them financially as a business. If everyone who signs the petition is still buying their products with dyes in it, change won’t happen. Every day, you are “voting” with your dollar. Are you using your money to buy products with artificial dyes in it, or are you buying healthy and wholesome products instead? If enough people stopped buying junk food, these companies like Kraft would have to change to meet the demand or go out of business. The businesses are only providing what the consumers are willing to buy. I hope that you realize that you, the consumer,  is much more powerful than you realize!

This next week when you go grocery shopping…who will you vote for?

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