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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

How to Heal Sunburns

Summer is on it’s way, and for many of us, that means camping, barbecues, fireworks, and a lot more time outside in the sun! With this in mind, I thought I would discuss how to prevent sunburns and how to heal sunburns naturally, if you just so happy to get burnt!

Keep in mind that sun exposure is very healthy for you, and it’s a natural form of Vitamin D, which prevents depression and some types of cancers. Of course, too much of a good thing can become bad, so you will want to make sure you limit your exposure to the sun to prevent burning your skin.

Ways to Prevent Sunburns

Try to reduce exposure out in the sun between the hours of 10am – 4pm, since this is when the sun’s rays are at it’s strongest (during the Summer).

At the beginning of the Season, start exposing your skin slowly to the sun. Start out with just 10 minutes a day, and slowly increase the amount of sun exposure you get in the next couple of weeks. This will help with decreasing your chances of getting a sun burn.

If you are out in the sun during the hottest times of the day, wear protective clothing and accessories! This means wearing hats and sun glasses with UVA and UVB protection. You can also wear a long sleeved shirt (something loose and light for the Summer) to protect your arms.

Heal Sunburns Naturally

Discontinue time out in the sun. This may seem obvious, but I thought I would at least mention it, just in case! If you have a sunburn, avoid the hot sun outside for awhile. You should also avoid hot showers, baths, and hot tubs. You don’t need to add any more heat to your skin right now.

Enjoy cool – but not too cold – baths or showers. This will be a welcome relief to your burned skin.

Put fresh pure aloe vera gel from an aloe vera plant and apply directly to the burned skin. You can buy aloe vera from the store, but it contains alcohol in it which dries out the skin and the burn. I believe the gel straight from the plant is best for the burn. I recommend getting an aloe vera plant and keeping it available, just in case you get burnt while cooking (not that would ever happen to us adults, right?!) or if you happen to get a sunburn.

If you have a sunburn that causes blisters or fever, it’s time to head to the hospital.

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