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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

How to look like a Victoria’s Secret Model

Every year at the end of November or beginning of December, women all over the world watch the annual Victoria’s Secret show and wonder how the models do it. I’m not talking about the hair and the makeup – I’m talking about their toned arms, legs and flat abs. How do they look so amazing?

According to the Victoria’s Secret supermodel, Adriana Lima, you need to put in a lot of hard work at the gym. Exercise. Sweat. Eating healthy. It doesn’t come natural or on its own for anyone, including Adriana Lima. This is good news, because now we all know it’s achievable rather than “oh, she’s just lucky”. Forget luck. It’s a lot of hard work.

Adriana Lima boxing:

Like I said, it’s a lot of hard work in the gym… a lot of sweat… a lot of calories burned… and I think we would all agree that her efforts in the gym pays off:

Image Credits: Adriana Lima’s Twitter and Little Black Dress UK

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