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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

New Web Design for

newAs many of you know, I started in 2009, and since then, I have had the same web design! I guess it’s easy to become comfortable with what you know (plus the set up stage is quite time consuming!), but I have been thinking about making a change for awhile now. I kept putting it off, but when my site got hacked recently (grr!), I had to reinstall my entire site and let’s just say I was back in the whole “set up stage” all over again. I had to make a choice: set up my original site to what it was before…or get a new and improved site! As  you can see…I chose to go with something NEW!!! :)

Here are some fun updates to the site:

• My logo is FINALLY on display. This new theme made it much easier to integrate, so that’s definitely a plus!

• There’s now a big slide show on the front page showing some of my “Featured” posts. I am a huge fan of photography, so this was something fun I thought the new and improved Skinny Twinkie site could use to spice things up!

• Easy navigation! I am hoping the navigation is just as easy -if not easier!- than the old website. Just select a main topic such as “Health”, then click on “Nutrition” or “Fitness” to get into a specific topic you want to look into.

More Updates to Come…

I currently have the main function on the website that was needed immediately so all can access the health articles on the site. Now I am able to focus on improving the site, changing fonts and colors, and messing around with html codes to maximize the effectiveness of this site!

Please bare with me during this process, and feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for being a loyal reader! : )
