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Simple Circuits to Stay Fit on Vacation


Spring has finally arrived and that means vacation time is just around the corner for many of us! Unfortunately, it also means time away from the gym. And while many hotels may offer a small workout facility, there are usually a lot of other people vying for time on the equipment. You may find yourself in a long line waiting for an elliptical rather than sunbathing down by the ocean.

Instead of reworking your vacation schedule to find time for the gym, why not do a quick workout in your room or on your balcony before heading out for the day? Today we will go over a few circuits that require no equipment and very little time – making it easy to stay on target with your fitness goals without going to a gym.

The All-Around Fitness Circuit

This circuit is designed to work your whole body with five simple exercises, incorporating both cardio and toning elements.

  • Squat Jumps – complete as many squat jumps as you can in 60 seconds. Remember to maintain proper form throughout the circuit.
  • Plank – hold the plank position for 30 seconds.
  • Forward Lunges – complete as many forward lunges as you can in 60 seconds, alternating legs with each lunge.
  • Push-ups – complete as many as you can in 60 seconds. You can also perform modified push-ups if you prefer.
  • Jumping Jacks – jump for 60 seconds. Keep count of how many jumping jacks you complete in each set so you can set goals for the next day’s workout.

These exercises should be performed back-to-back, with rest periods of about one minute between each completed circuit. Try doing five circuits in total.

The Complete Cardio Circuit

This group of exercises focuses primarily on cardio endurance. Perform as many reps as possible for each element, resting for about a minute in between each completed circuit. Again, try doing five circuits in total.

  • Jumping Jacks
  • High Knees
  • Burpees – just like with squat jumps, it is important to maintain good form when doing burpees. Check out this tutorial for proper form. If you are not able to complete the push-up position, simply stay in a plank position when performing your burpees.
  • Butt Kicks
  • Mountain Climbers – for pointers on how to complete proper mountain climbers, check out this tutorial.

The Toning Circuit

Here is a circuit designed to tone your muscles. Complete as many reps as you can in 60 seconds for each exercise. Rest for about one minute in between completed circuits, and aim for five circuits in total.

  • Body Weight Squats or Squat Jumps – remember to check out the tutorial video included above for some tips on maintaining proper form. This will help you avoid injury.
  • Tricep Dips – use a chair or a bench to perform these dips.
  • Forward Lunges
  • Push-ups – feel free to substitute modified push-ups here if needed.
  • Calf Raises
  • Plank – hold the plank position for 30 seconds.

About the Author: Aria is an online fitness and rehabilitation resource specializing in endurance training, aquatics, and electrotherapy.

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