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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Sweating during Exercise: Embrace it!

I think we could all agree that sweating is pretty gross and inconvenient at times…but did you know that sweating is actually a really good thing, especially while working out?

Why we Sweat

Your body has a natural process that it goes through to help cool and regulate the body’s temperature. The heart pumps more to increase circulation, which improves your cardiovascular system. This process is known as perspiration, or sweating.

Benefits of Sweating

Our bodies are full of toxins! You obviously don’t want to have toxins in  your body, since it can cause damage to your body’s cells. The toxins could be excess sodium, pesticides, heavy metals (like lead and mercury), nicotine, and alcohol.

These toxins get in your body because of the foods you eat, the liquids you drink, and the environment you live in. You can’t completely avoid toxins, because environment is a huge factor that we can’t completely avoid. You can prevent a lot of toxins from getting in your body, since what you eat and what you drink is your choice. You can remove these toxins in a natural and effective way by sweating.

When your sweat comes from exercise, one of the benefits is an increase of endorphins.

Like I mentioned before, the body’s natural way of cooling itself down is through sweating. This is a great benefit, especially with endurance exercises, such as marathon running. I remember running my first marathon, and I wasn’t used to running outside with steep inclines and the sun glaring down at me. Sweating was my body’s way of cooling myself down, which helped me finish the race.

When your body’s temperature increases, it mimics a fever and helps boost your immune system. Sweating is a natural way for your body to heal.

Sweating is also a great way to cleanse your skin, which could help get rid of acne.

Sweat More

There are multiple ways to sweat:

• Sauna’s and Jacuzzi’s

• Heat

• Exercise

It would be best for you to sweat because of a really good workout. Exercise is more beneficial than going outside and sweating because it’s hot outside. Exercise is more beneficial than sitting down in a sauna or jacuzzi. I encourage you to go to the gym, hit the dance floor, play a sport, or enjoy a nice long swim. Just remember to keep moving and enjoy the many benefits that sweating – and exercise – has to offer you.

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