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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Top Health Benefits of Strength Training


Although aerobic exercise & diet are without any doubt a crucial constituent of healthy lifestyle, most of the people ignore another crucial are with respect to fitness: strength training.

Strength training helps you lose fat and build muscles and also contributes to the prevention of diseases & health of your heart.

Prevention of Osteoporosis

CDC also known as Center for Disease control & Prevention states that each year 1 to 2 percent bone density is lost by post menopausal women. This puts the women at an increased chances for osteoporosis. With the help of strength training, women are able to counter-attack this effect.

In addition, muscle strength training helps to minimize the risk of fractures due to osteoporosis as powerful muscles assist you to keep your coordination & balance longer.

Reduction In Visceral Fat

Visceral fat is present in your abdomen, just under the muscle, & is specially harmful as it surrounds crucial body parts. The chances of cardiovascular disease are automatically lowered when the proportion of visceral fat is minimized.
Benefits of strength include the health of your bones and your heart.

Weight lifting is one of the best ways that keeps the heart healthy.

You can easily lower the percentage of visceral fat & at the same time strengthen your heart with just a few strength training sessions per week.

Controlling Chronic Conditions

According to CDC & the Mayo Clinic, majority of the symptoms and signs of chronic conditions can be eased out with the help of weight lifting.

A few among such conditions include:
• Arthritis
• Obesity
• Depression
• Back pain
• Heart Diseases

Your mood and the health of your bones can be improved with the help of weight lifting.

According to CDC, adults over the age of fifty who suffered chronic disease and who performed strength training achieved 43% reduction in their pain on average.

With respect to type 2 diabetes, an increased amount of iron not only help patients control their blood sugar, but also minimize the chances of develop diabetes completely. When you start building your muscle tissues, the demand of glucose inside your muscles’ tend to increase, which means that blood stream draws the glucose which results in keeping your blood sugar level healthy.

In addition, weight-lifting also keeps your brain cells active & assists in preventing the loss of muscle mass while we grow older. On WebMD, Dr. Beatrice Edwards reported that till the time you are 70, almost half of your total muscle mass will get lost if you fail to reap the benefits of strength training.

Better Coordination And Balance

Weight lifting is also known to enhance muscle coordination according to recent studies, which benefits aging population and athletes both.
Research conducted by the CDC also support this, which shows that doing strength and resistance exercises each week enhance both coordination & balance. Researchers also discovered that just 2 to 3 sessions of weight lifting each week can reduce the chances of falls, in old people, by as much as 40%.

With such a large amount of benefits associated with strength training, there is no reason why you should not add it to your daily routine. Begin slow, make sure you listen your body, & enjoy several health benefits!

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