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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Treatments for Dry Skin

There are several reasons you can end up with  dry skin. Depending on the severity of your dry skin, you can end up with the ever annoying itchy skin or sadly suffer from cracks and bleeding skin.

I’ve listed some some easy ways you can naturally treat your dry skin, and if you have cracked or dry skin…please act sooner rather than later.

Lather up

Dry skin can be easily relieved by lotion or aloe vera gel (known fact, right? Read on…).

Lotion is an immediate relief to dry skin, but it doesn’t necessarily resolve the underlying issue. It’s important to find a lotion that is all natural and paraben-free. The only way to know if your lotion of choice is really safe is to read the labels.

Stay Hydrated

A sign of dehydration is dry skin, so be sure to drink plenty of water every day.  Avoid sugary or caffeinated drinks, since these types of drinks don’t quench your thirst since they cause you to become dehydration.

Get more Fat

Yeah, you read that correctly. One of the reasons why you might be having dry skin is because you aren’t consuming enough healthy fat. One way you can do this is by eating foods that are high in Omega 3, such as Salmon, flaxseed, walnuts, and even coconut oil.


The lack of humidity, especially common in the Winter months, is definitely a cause for dry and itchy skin. I suggest that you have a humidifier in your bedroom to allow your skin to get moisturized throughout the night.

Now that you know how to take care of your dry skin, you can enjoy your healthy and hydrated Skin – all year long!

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