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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

5 Best Aqua Aerobics Exercises


Aqua Aerobics Exercises

Trying to pick the best of anything is really a matter of personal preference. But for me, the challenge is really to narrow my favorite aqua aerobics exercises down to just five. While I have so many water exercises I love, if you force me to pick 5 I like the best, here they are:

1) The plank

This is the core building exercise every trainer I’ve worked out with includes in the menu. It just really works that well. On land, you get in a pushup position, and sink down to your elbows. Keeping your back straight, you just tuck in your butt, and hold that position for as long as possible. In the water – no, you don’t try to hold your breath and do this at the bottom of the pool. Just get a foam noodle, which you can find at, and place your hands on it shoulder width apart. Let yourself sink into the water, where the water keeps your head above water. Keep your back straight, and hold the position for as long as you can.

2) Aqua jogging

I found this workout several years ago when I injured my knee while running. The buoyancy of the water takes all the pounding of the trail out of the equation. But that same resistance makes me work harder to force through the water. I go to the gym when the lap lanes are open, and take off down one in a good jogging posture. When I first tried it, it was amazing how much work it was. Now I try to aqua jog at least once a week, for cross training from running.

3) Spiderman

This exercise is just a lot of fun, but a surprising amount of work. I get in the water where it’s about chest deep, next to the side of the pool. Treading water with my arms, I run my feet up the side of the pool, then back down again. Each time, I switch the lead leg. I usually go for 15 to 20 reps, rest a bit, then do a second set. I can feel this exercise in my arms and shoulders – the treading water part, and of course in my legs. This is the only water exercise my kids will do. You wouldn’t believe the laughing and giggling that goes on. 4) Lunges. Another staple with the trainers, this is great leg work. I get in water about waist deep, and begin standing upright. I put one foot out in front of me, landing where my lower leg is perpendicular to my thigh. I don’t go out any further, because it would put pressure on my knee. I then return to the upright position, and step out with the other leg. I go for 20 reps, and then try to do a second or third set depending on how I’m feeling that day.

5) Try a yoga pose

I have tight hamstrings from running, so this is my way to loosen them up some. In water about waist deep I take the foam noodle, place one ankle on it, and straighten that leg out. Then I just stand in the water – the purpose is to let that hamstring gradually begin to relax and stretch out. Then I reverse and do the other leg. The surprise is that by having to balance in the water, I get great core work as well. The common theme for me in aqua aerobic exercises – I get to be in the water. The soothing feel of the water is a vital part of my workout experience, and helps me relax at the end of a tough day.

About the Author: When Carol Atkins is not writing articles for Pool Center, you can find her either out at the family pool, or taking her kids camping. Carol is not one to spend much time indoors, and loves her time outside.

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One Comment

  1. Thanks Holly!