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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Causes and Treatment of Cold Sores

Cold sores are small sores that appear on the lips, mouth, or nose. The sores can be painful and usually last a few days.

What causes Cold Sores

Cold Sores are caused by an Autoimmune problem, which is not the same thing as a viral infection. Cold Sores can sometimes be a reaction to a weak immune system, stress, or even certain types of foods such as chocolate, citrus, or wheat.

Correct Diagnosis?

A lot of people (including WebMd!) confuse Oral Herpes with Cold Sores – which are two very different things. It is important that you get the correct diagnosis because cold sores will not respond to medicine meant to aide herpes.

Below is a video by Dr. Mercola about Cold Sores and Herpes – and how to naturally treat them.

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One Comment

  1. – Rubbing in tea tree oil or oregano oil
    – Applying aloe vera (gel or fresh) a couple times a day
    – Putting ice or tea bags on them for 3-8 mins every hour to keep the virus from spreading
    – Honey 4 times a day will sooth any irritation and stalls growth (better than any cream!)
    – Dab apple cider vinegar to dry it up quicker
    – Rub a garlic clove or apply garlic juice to avoid scabs froms cracking
    – Putting on cocoa butter during the day or at night helps close the skin
    – Soaking cotton buds in milk and leaving it on the sores for 10 mins will make them heal faster
    – Have a lot of vitamin C and E (you can put the vitamin E directly on it if you wish)
    – Avoid squeezing, pinching or picking at any blister
    – Lysine pills are pretty effective and if taken daily they can help prevent future cold sores

    A site for more info is