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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Don’t Stay Down

I’m not perfect. You aren’t perfect. Nobody is perfect. And it’s OK that we aren’t perfect when it comes to our eating and exercise habits.

Becoming healthier  is a process…a Journey. We can’t let one weak moment ruin our efforts.

You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there. -Unknown Author

Just because you indulged in that one small piece of chocolate, doesn’t mean that you have to continue eating unhealthy food for the remainder of the day. That one piece of chocolate isn’t the problem. It’s the mentality of “I already messed up, so I might as well have another piece of cake” that will get you into trouble.

The same concept goes with exercise. Just because you missed a day at the gym, doesn’t mean that you should consider the week a total loss. Did you miss Monday’s workout? Don’t wait until next Monday to get started again. It’s perfectly fine to start your exercise program on Tuesday!

Success is all about consistency!

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One Comment

  1. excellent points! why do we always spiral down when we deviate from what we deem “correct”? It’s like a crack addict– “might as well steal, and prostitue my body?” But the truth is, we can fall a little or allot. I fast two days a week for my weight loss and health, I’ve found little “falls” don’t have the power when I know I fast on Tuesday, and Thursday.—- I’m rebooting– so why go nuts cuz I had an extra something or other on my food days???— just my little way of dealing with it…