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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Healthy Halloween Treats!

Halloween is a fun Holiday that doesn’t have to be full sugar-filled. Here are some fun snacks that will allow you to have a festive Halloween without all of the unnecessary sugar!


Monster Fingers


String Cheese sticks

Almond slices

Cream cheese


Step 1) Cut String Cheese sticks in various sizes, and then cut small grooves to make the Monster’s knuckles.

Step 2 ) Place some cream cheese on the tips to “glue” on the almond slices, which will be used for the finger nails.




1 Banana

Almond Butter

Pretzel sticks



Step 1) Slice the Banana and arrange on a plate in a snake-like way.

Step 2) Put Almond Butter in between each slice.

Step 3) Place 2 pretzels on the “head” and a pretzel in between each slice for legs.

Step 4) Add Craisins on the plate for decoration.





Black marker


Step 1) Draw a Jack-O-Lantern face on each Orange.

Step 2 ) Cut the top of the Orange, to resemble a Pumpkin.

Note: Serve with a grapefruit spoon and Enjoy!




Hot dogs


Mustard (for eyes)


Step 1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Step 2) Wrap up each Hot Dog with Dough, to resemble a Mummy being wrapped up. Be sure to leave some space for the Mummy’s head.

Step 3) Bake Mummies for about 10 minutes. Depending on your oven, it may be more or less time.

Step4) Let Mummies cool, then carefully place two small dots of mustard on the hot dogs to resemble the Mummy’s eyes.





Popsicle or Craft sticks

Organic Raw Honey

Coconut flakes



Step 1) Peel Banana, and then cut in half.

Step 2) Insert 1 Popsicle or craft stick into Banana half.

Step 3) Drizzle Raw Honey over Banana.

Step 4) Cover Banana with Coconut flakes. The Honey will allow for the Coconut flakes to stick to the Banana.

Step 5) Add Craisins for the Ghost’s eyes and mouth.


Frankenstein Bites


Apple slices

Almond slices

Almond Butter


Step 1) Cut each Apple into fourths, and cut out core with seeds

Step 2) Cut out a “mouth” for each Apple.

Step 3) Add Almond Butter to the Apples.

Step 4) Add Almond slivers to the Apples to resemble “teeth”.


Pumpkins, Bats, and Ghosts – Oh My!



Halloween Cookie Cutters

Creamed Honey


Step 1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Step 2) With flattened dough, use the Halloween Cookie cutters to make shapes with the dough.

Step 3) Bake for about 10 minutes or until lightly brown.

Step 3) Add Creamed Honey as a “frosting”.


Have a Fun and Healthy Halloween!

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  1. Nice job, Skinny Twinkie! Those treats look great. I am going to make some mummies for sure.

  2. Thank you Torrey – I think the Mummies are my favorite too! :)

  3. Way fun treat ideas! I like how they are healthy AND easy to make.
    Another idea is to make an eyeball soup. Just use tomato soup and hard boiled eggs or pasta in the shape of eyes. Well, there are lots of options for the “eye” part. Maybe you can include it next year?

  4. Fun!

  5. Centipede and the Frankenstein bites look yummy. I mean, they all do…but anything with Almond Butter is going to taste yummy.

  6. Yummy-ness


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