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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

How To Buy Healthy Canned Foods

Fresh foods are the best choice, but what if you want to buy canned foods? There’s some important concepts to consider when buying canned foods if you are looking for optimum nutrition.

Fruits and 

• Buy canned fruit that is in 100% Juice (or water) rather than heavy syrup or light syrup, which is just canned fruit soaked in corn syrup, sugar, or artificial sweeteners. Buying canned fruit that is in 100% juice allows you to enjoy the fruit without all of the unnecessary sweeteners and extra calories.


• Buy canned vegetables that don’t have any salt added to it. The salt that is usually added to canned goods is common iodized salt, which isn’t good for you, unlike the natural salt that is full of healthy minerals and nutrients.


• Buy canned meats, like tuna, that contain water or a natural broth, rather than oil. Most meats that are in oil are usually in unhealthy oils that you should consider passing up on.

Soups, Chili’s, Quick Meals

• Most canned meals are unhealthy, even the ones proclaiming better health or a lack of sodium. If you want to enjoy a healthy canned soup, for example, try an organic soup from Amy’s Kitchen since it is low in  calories, sodium, and no MSG or other additives that can be harmful to your health.

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