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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Sweet Potatoes with Maple Syrup

I love creating new recipes, it’s my way of creating art. As much as I love this creation process, there are few recipes that get me really excited about them. This is one of those recipes that I just can’t stop smiling about. You need to try this recipe out and let me know what you think of it.  Oh yeah, it’s ridiculously healthy too.


2 Sweet Potatoes

1/2 cup Maple Syrup

1/4 teaspoon ground Nutmeg

1/8 teaspoon ground Cloves

1/8 teaspoon All Spice

Cinnamon, garnish

crushed Pecans, garnish


Step 1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Step 2) Peel, wash, and cut sweet potatoes into small pieces and place in a baking dish.

Step 3) Mix the maple syrup, nutmeg, cloves, and all spice together.

Step 4) Pour maple syrup mixture over the sweet potatoes.

Step 5) Cover pan with tin foil and bake for one hour or until extremely soft.

Step 6) Put sweet potatoes and maple syrup juices from the baking pan into a bowl. Use a mixer and beat until texture is smooth(similar to that of mashed potatoes).

Step 7) Scoop mixture in a bowl or on a plate and add cinnamon and pecans as garnish.


This recipe is a great new twist to “candied yams” except it’s still healthy once you are done making it and I personally think it tastes better too. The spices give a nice warm flavor to the sweet potatoes, which is unique and something I’m sure you’ll enjoy.

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  1. great photos!

  2. I want to try this.

  3. @Eli, thanks for the compliment! I’m working on my food photography skills!

  4. @Melody, You totally need to try this recipe! It’s SO easy and beyond delicious! ;)

  5. These look awesome! I’ll have to try this recipe. Sweet Potatoes are amazing. One of my favorite ways to eat them is with lime juice. Just bake them or microwave them, cut them open and squeeze on fresh lime juice. Super easy and surprisingly delicious.