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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

10 Reasons why you’re STILL overweight…

Posted by on Jul 29, 2010 in Weight Loss | 12 comments

1) You think “Fat Free” or “Sugar Free” means that it is “Healthy” Marketing campaigns know that we are all trying to be healthier, and they are doing everything they can to sell you their product in an angle that makes you think their product makes the cut. They aren’t trying to make their products healthier. What does this all boil down to? The companies just want to make money, and the only way to make money is if you buy their product –whether it’s good for you or not. Read the labels and ingredients and start learning how to understand what they really mean. It’s almost guaranteed that if something it marketed as “Fat Free” or “Sugar Free”, they are using dangerous replacements which usually end up being worse for you than the actual fat or sugar. Most...

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Use the Law of Attraction to be Healthy!

Posted by on Jul 5, 2010 in Health, Weight Loss | 7 comments

  What is the Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law, where you create your Universe, or your Reality, with your Thoughts. Your thoughts and beliefs ultimately lead to your actions.  You are a creator of your life, and you can control what happens in your life. You are attracting things into your life by your thoughts. How can I apply the Law of Attraction for Health or Weight Loss? There is so much hype about the Law of Attraction!  It just seems that it is mostly being used for attracting Money and Wealth into your life. That is fine and dandy, but can we use the Law of Attraction to help us with our Health or even Weight Loss goals? My answer is absolutely “YES!” So many people keep saying to themselves comments like:...

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Salad: Diet Friend or Foe?

Posted by on May 13, 2010 in Health | Comments Off on Salad: Diet Friend or Foe?

When people first try to start a diet, they seem to run to the grocery store and plan on eating the healthiest thing they can think of. A Salad. Though a Salad can be quite healthy and nutritious, we are getting drenched in Calories and Fat by all of the things we are adding to the Salad- which in turn makes our Healthy intentions for Lunch and Dinner…well…not so healthy after all. So if you are going to eat a salad to be Healthy, do it the right way! The Salad Trap A lot of people will add on one thing after another to their salad for added color, flavor, or texture, and I will go over exactly what that meanswhen it comes to calories in your Salad bowl. Bacon Bits – serving size is about 1 tablespoon, and...

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Don’t buy Temptations!

Posted by on Dec 14, 2009 in Health, Twinkie | 3 comments

There is a reason why you are healthy or unhealthy. Duh, right? Well…if it were all so easy, then everyone would be healthy and fit. Reality is most Americans are not healthy. Here are some tips on how you can make sure you are making the healthiest decisions while you are shopping at your local grocery store. Plan Ahead Be sure that you come up with a complete meal plan-even one with a little wiggle room! I have noticed that I am the healthiest when I come up with a plan- healthy snacks and all- before I head to the grocery store. Be sure to come up with a grocery list based on your eating habits for the upcoming week, and stick to it! Buy Yummy foods! Be sure you enjoy what you are eating! If you aren’t going...

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