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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Use the Law of Attraction to be Healthy!


What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law, where you create your Universe, or your Reality, with your Thoughts. Your thoughts and beliefs ultimately lead to your actions.  You are a creator of your life, and you can control what happens in your life. You are attracting things into your life by your thoughts.

How can I apply the Law of Attraction for Health or Weight Loss?

There is so much hype about the Law of Attraction!  It just seems that it is mostly being used for attracting Money and Wealth into your life. That is fine and dandy, but can we use the Law of Attraction to help us with our Health or even Weight Loss goals?

My answer is absolutely “YES!”

So many people keep saying to themselves comments like:

“I am fat”

“I am sick and tired”

“I have a bad back”


These are all creation statements. Stop telling yourself that you are “fat” or “unhealthy”! You are talking negatively about yourself, and creating more of what you do not want. “I am” is a very powerful statement. You will see more of it in your life, whether you consciously want it or not. Your brain is very powerful, like a super computer, and if you keep telling yourself that you are “fat” or “unhealthy, you will stay that way.

Start creating more of what you want….and this is something that you can start Now. Tell yourself positive affirmations daily. You can say positive things that you want to become, such as:

“I am healthy and strong”

“I am in great shape”

“I am happy”

“I have control of what I eat”

“I eat healthy, and I am happy about it”

“I like to exercise”

When you hear yourself say these things, it might be hard to believe it at first. That’s OK. Focus on being healthy (tell yourself that you are!), believe it to be possible, you will start to create Healthy habits and make them part of your daily life and routines. It is a life style, and with time it will become natural for you to be Healthy.

Stay Healthy Long-Term

I like to focus more on being HEALTHY, rather than obtaining a particular size. I don’t necessarily feel like you have to tell yourself, “I am a size ___”, because once you reach your goal size, many tend to slip back into old (bad) habits. Just because you are a size 2 (for example), doesn’t mean you don’t have to work out or eat healthy anymore. You still will need to feed your body the nutrients that it needs. Drink plenty of water. Exercise on a regular basis. Remember, you aren’t on a “diet”, this is just how you eat! You aren’t just working out to lose weight, you are doing this to give yourself a caridovascular exercise, keep your muscles strong and healthy. It’s a lifestyle, not a fad.

Why do diets and exercise programs fail?

There can be a number of reasons diets and exercise programs fail.

With diets, people tend to become extremely strict, and expect to make a huge lifestyle change overnight. Because of this, they just quit because they feel like “It’s too hard”. With exercise programs, people sometimes work out way too much because they want to see results here and now. It takes time. You didn’t gain those 10 pounds overnight, and you won’t lose them overnight (or with one workout) either. Because people don’t see results as fast as they had hoped for, they give up feeling like it is hopeless.

What hurts you the most when you are on any healthy diet or exercise program? The two things I mentioned above are part of it, but a huge part of failing at your Health goals is just not believing in it, or not believing you can succeed. Many people while dieting and exercising tell themselves “I’m fat” and other negative and harsh words. Stop that now! You have to maintain a positive outlook on what you are doing, and keep telling yourself that you are Healthy, etc. and everything else will fall into place. Yes, it will probably not happen overnight, but that’s OK because this is long-term, remember? Not something you are doing just right before bikini season. You need to be healthy year-round, and it is a year-round effort.

It’s OK to Smile…

Tell yourself that you are “Healthy and fit”. Tell yourself that you are “Beautiful”, “Exercising is enjoyable”, “I eat Healthy foods that are good for my own body”. Tell yourself something positive! You are meant to be happy, including being happy about your own body.

Remember that it all starts with your thoughts, which leads to your actions. If you made bad choices in the past, it’s OK. It is in the past. You can make the decision NOW to be who you want to be, and focus on the end result. You ARE Healthy. Believe it. Feel it. Make it happen. Stay consistent.

Before you know it, you will be able to see the results you have been focusing on from the beginning. It’s OK to smile…you deserve it.

If you are interested in learning more about the Law of Attraction, click here to check out Carol Tuttle’s website, or you can click on the picture below:
Carol Tuttle - Introductory Offer

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  1. Hi Twinkie. What a great post, I can absolutely agree with what You are saying :)

    I have started a new lifestyle, since I for years and years have been suffering from great pain after a back injury.
    2,5 years ago I got my Fibromyalgia diagnosis on top of that.
    Thats when I started to take control over my life, I didn’t want to be a victim anymore.
    I started exercise, first very, very gently and got more muscles and strength. Started to eat healthy food and lost a few kilo’s. Since 6 months I eat Low carb high fat food, and have becoming more healthy and strong than in many years.

    And I try to get up in the morning with a positive mind.
    My life has become so much better. Now I share my knowledge about food in my blog, to help others in the same condition as I was in before.

    Thanks again for Your positive thoughts.
    Hope You can understand my English ;)
    Greetings from Sweden/ Birgitta

  2. Thank you for your comments! After suffering from a couple of herniated/bulged discs in my lower back, I can definitely relate. I put my health on more of a priority, and I feel the positive thoughts helped with my healing. Keep up the wonderful work, and your wonderful efforts with your blog!


  3. Hi again, Twinkie.
    Then You know about back problems..
    It was herniated discs that made my back to say; Stop, You can’t work like this anymore.
    I was a very busy Restaurant Chef until the day my back decided not to co-operate anymore.

    After 3 years with a lot of pain and 14 months with a stiff plastic corset I finally got back surgery with infusion 2003.

    Since then I started the long road of recovery to the point where I am today. I am retired and will not be able to go back to work. But I feel so thankful that I can live a healthy, joyful life despite of that.

    It all has to do with my positive thinking. I hadn’t been where I am today without that. And the willpower to exercise each day and eat healthy, natural food.
    I am glad that I found Your page, after Your visit to mine :)

  4. Yes, I understand back pain…but at least it has made me realize how important it is to be healthy!

    Have you heard of Spinal Decompression? I am going to write more about it in my blog, but it is what helped heal my back, and prevented me from needing back surgery- Thank goodness!

    Thank you for coming, and keep coming back. I appreciate your feedback! :)


  5. Great for You that the Decompression helped ;)

    For me the problem was a “crack” in the disc, where fluid could come out and cause severe nervepain in the area. So the only choice for me to get better was by Spinal Fusion.
    I had a very good Surgeon, in fact they were two doctors performing my surgery. So it took “only” 4 hours. Unfortunately I got a nerve damage in my right leg after the surgery, with loss of feeling and pain afterwards.
    But now I am almost recovered from that, because of my exercise :)

    The best thing is of course, if it’s possible, to become better with other methods than fusion surgery. But in my case it was worth it.

    I havent heard so much about Spinal Decompression, just read a bit about it on a Swedish site, Spine Center. They use it to treat Spinal Stenosis.

    Would be interesting to read more about it on Your page, it’s always good to hear from a First hand experienced. Doctors can never tell what it’s like to have this or that treatment, because they have, almost, never suffered from the pain themselves.

    I read a lot on American webpages about my kind of backproblems before my surgery. It helped me a lot. So if I can help someone now, by sharing my story, that would be great ;)
    Bye for now./ Birgitta

  6. Thank you for your comments, as always!I plan on sharing my story about my back in more detail in later posts!

  7. Great post! Thanks