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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Thanksgiving can be good for you…

Thanksgiving can either brake you or be quite beneficial for your body. It’s all about preparation. Here’s a couple of traditional foods that no Thanksgiving should be without.

TurkeyThanksgiving Turkey

Great news, Turkey is not only low in fat (ok, without the skin anyways), but it is also high in B Vitamins, Potassium, Zinc, and Folic acid. So what’s so great about all of that? These wonderful nutrients are helpful in lowering blood cholesterol, protect against heart disease, and cancer. What else does Turkey do to help? Turkey also aids the immune system, nerve function and growth, and help regulate blood pressure.


High in Vitamin C, B-Complex, Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium. As a result, potatoes are helpful with relieving high blood pressure and rheumatism, and helps boost the immune system. If you are trying to lose weight though, limit the potato intake.


Full of antioxidants, Calcium and other healing properties.  Research suggests that Cranberries can help with heart disease, helps to strengthen bones, can get rid of some types of stomach ulcers, heal urinary tract infections, and even helps as dental health. A lot of Cranberry products are loaded with sugar, so try to go the all natural route.


Yams are like a super veggie, with lots of vitamins and minerals that are very helpful to the body. Yams are a great source of Potassium, B Vitamins, Manganese, Fiber, Folic acid and healthy carbohydrates. If you want to reap the ultimate benefits of yams, I would suggest skipping the idea of “candied yams”. Adding the sugar to the yams will dilute the health benefits of the yam, so a great alternative is using a small amount of butter or coconut oil and a couple dashed of salt and pepper. No sugar needed to enjoy.


High in Antioxidants (Carotenoids, Zeaxanthin and Lutein) and also high in Fiber, Iron, and Zinc. If you can find a Pumpkin Pie recipe without all the sugar, you will be all set!

Healthy Thanksgiving

As you can see, Thanksgiving can be very healthy for you. How you can ensure that Thanksgiving is a healthy meal for you, is to avoid sugar as much as possible. Another thing that you can do, is be sure that you eat until you are satisfied. Don’t just keep eating more and more just because food is there. That’s what leftovers is for! Don’t get so stuffed that you feel sick. If you do, you aren’t benefiting your body the way you should be.

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One Comment

  1. Hi Twinkie. Interesting article about all the good things from Thanksgiving.

    Here in Sweden, Christmas is our biggest holiday.
    Sending you a link to my pictures from a big Christmasmarket, I visited last weekend, in my home town Östersund.
    Wish You all a Merry Christmas :)