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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Why do I need to use SPF?

This is a question I am sure a bunch of sexy beach babes ask all the time, or at least should be asking themselves this question.

“Why do I need to use SPF?”

What does “SPF” Mean?

Let’s start at the beginning. SPF means Sun Protection Factor. The number you see with SPF (SPF 30 for example), represents the length of time you can stay out in the sun without burning, multiplied by that number. If you normally burn after 10 minutes, you should be able to stay out in the sun (theoretically) for 300 minutes if you have SPF 30. I would recommend  having a high SPF, and putting SPF on as often as you can…let’s say every hour or every other hour, depending on whether you are swimming/sweating or not.

Is the Sun Good for you?

The Sun is good for you for the first couple of minutes of exposure (sunlight helps our body make Vitamin D, which helps with things like depression), but as the saying goes, too much of a good thing can be bad. In the case of the sun, it can be very bad.

What is a Tan or Sunburn, and what are the side effects?

tanning at beachSo many people are focused on having the nice beach tan, but they ignore the realities of a tan. Tanned skin may lookgood to you, but it is actually a sign of sun damage to your skin.The body is trying to protect itself from the sun’s damaging rays.

Sun damage also causes pre-mature aging. I realize as I get older, I am going to get wrinkles. That’s life.  Am I going to try to invite wrinkles earlier than they need to arrive on my face? I don’t think so.

Sun damage can also cause skin cancers, by having the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays hitting your skin. The sad thing about skin cancer, is that it is one of the most common cancers, as well as probably one of  the most preventable. Skin cancer not only doesn’t look or feel good, but sadly it can also be deadly. If you can prevent pain or even death…would you?

Do all that you can to prevent sun damage on your skin. If you can, wear long sleeved shirts, wear a big hat that covers your face and neck. Wear sunglasses that help protect your eyes. And when it comes to SPF, make sure all skin exposed to light gets covered- year round. Sun protection is something you should be thinking about year round, not just when summer time comes around. Some doctors will recommend SPF 15 or SPF 30. I say, why not SPF 70? It is out there, and since it is something you should use on your face, neck, hands, etc., you might want to get an all natural SPF 70 Sun Block so you won’t be exposed to harmful chemicals from your sun protection.

It doesn’t matter whether you are light or dark skinned…protecting yourself from sun damage is still necessary if you want to prevent all of the things i just mentioned that sun can cause.

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One Comment

  1. I like a little color, but not a lot. The cancer just isn’t worth the beauty of a tan. If (skin) cancer runs in your family, limited sun exposure is key.