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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Heart Attack Grill: Worst Food in America?

It’s sad to know that there is even such a place as Heart Attack Grill. It’s a fast food restaurant that emphasizes how bad their food is for your health, and rewards you if you are extremely overweight.

Watch the video below. It’s about a six minute clip from Extreme Pigouts, which shows you just how unhealthy this restaurant really is.

Rock Bottom: Inspiration for Heart Attack Grill

Jon (the owner of Heart Attack Grill) used to own three Jenny Craig® Weight Loss Centers. He thought that they would be a good business and that he could help people. He went through a three month training program where he learned about sales and nutrition. Customers came in, and money was good.

Jon wanted to empower his clients, to reach into their lives and “shock them”. He didn’t believe that Jenny Craig® – or any diet program – could be a real lifestyle change. He said that didn’t see a lot of change in people’s lives because they didn’t have a fear that they were one step away from the grave. Because of this shock factor that he wanted to provide to his clients, he wanted to make some changes within the Jenny Craig® model, but it’s not allowed when working under their chain. So what does Jon do? He decided to go against the health industry and opened up the Heart Attack Grill.

Does Heart Attack Grill help it’s customers?

So, what did you think of the video? I don’t know about you, but the above video makes me want to eat sprouts and go for a very, very long run.

Is this the kind of reaction that Jon, the owner of Heart Attack Grill wants? He says he inspires a positive change since he helps clients realize they hit “rock bottom” and need to change their eating habits, but his customers don’t understand health the way you and I do. I’ll prove it.

I watched an interview with one of Heart Attack Grill’s customers. The customer said that he currently weighs 465 pounds and already has had “three or four heart surgeries”, and has lived through a coma. This customer even said that losing weight to feel good is a “sham”. Why does this customer still come to the Heart Attack Grill? This customer explains “just because they say I can’t”.

This is rock bottom. Unfortunately, this customer, along with many others, still doesn’t realize it.

Having to go through heart surgery – multiple times – is no way to live. A coma? No thank you. My plan to live my life to the fullest, doesn’t involve multiple trips to the hospital.

Creating Bad Habits

If you weigh 350 pounds or more, you get to eat for free. Is this really encouraging people to lose weight? For most people, free food is something hard to say “no” to.

Did you know that Jon gives candy cigarrettes to kids in his restaurant? Sadly, the parents don’t seem to have a problem with this.

Is taste really worth dying for?

The restaurant’s spokesman,Blair River, was an obese man who weighed in at 575-pounds. You can see marketing videos of him bragging about his weight, and obviously not caring about the health effects of eating at the Heart Attack Grill. It was all just a big joke for him.

Unfortunately, Blair River died on March 1, 2011 at the age of 29 due to complications from pneumonia. A healthy 29 year old most likely wouldn’t have died from something like pneumonia. Obesity isn’t something to ignore. Loosing a life over something as preventable as obesity isn’t something we should forget about. It’s especially sad to know that Blair River had a daughter that will have to grow up without her father around because of his life choices.

Obesity is a real health concern, and Blair River is an example of how obesity really can lead to an early death. It’s a lifestyle choice that people make, and if this isn’t a slap to the face, I don’t know what will be.

Greasy Food…*Gasp!*…It’s Everywhere!

Before you get too disgusted by the Heart Attack Grill, you need to realize that this isn’t the first place that sold greasy high calorie foods. People easily chow down on several double cheeseburgers, a large pizza, or fried Chinese take out, and it becomes very easy to pack on the calories, sugar, and fat. Portion sizes provided these days are disturbing, and nutrition is not a concern for store owners. Their bottom line is to make money, not provide you with nutrients.

Whenever possible, you should avoid fried foods. If you decide you want to have something like a pizza anyways, stick to just one slice rather than eating the entire thing! If you can, you can even try to make your own healthier pizza at home. Oh, and if you are still hungry after one slice (which you probably will be), fill up your plate with vegetables or fruit.

You have a choice on how you eat everyday. I hope you choose life, and eat to live.

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One Comment

  1. This seriously makes me want to throw up…or be a vegetarian.
    I feel sorry for what happened to Blair, and what his family now has to go through :(


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